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Netheridge STW Inlet Pumping Station Upgrade

The sewage treatments works at Netheridge was first constructed as a pumping station in 1955 and prior to this the sewage from the city flowed directly into the river by the Gloucester Docks. In 1955 the main pump house was constructed with diesel pumps that are still used today and the flow was pumped directly to the river south of the city.

In 1962 the first stages of treatment were added in the form of screening and primary treatment. A digester was also built to treat the sludge produced on site. Between 1962 and 1995 small changes took place including changing secondary digesters to primary digesters and various temporary treatment plants such as one providing chemical dosing and a VITOX plant using oxygen gas for mixing and aeration.

In 1995 the capital scheme to provide secondary treatment was completed costing approx £35m. Since then there have been a number of smaller schemes for asset replacement and additional processes such as the centrifuge and some storm screening.

Costain are currently working on behalf of Severn Trent Water at Netheridge STW in Gloucester. As part of this main contract Franklyn Yates Engineering have been awarded the mechanical works on the Un-Settled Storm (USS) Pumps and the Dry Weather Flow (DWF) Pumps.

The work scope includes the following: 

USS Pumps

  • Removal of 3 No. existing diesel engines
  • Removal of 3 No. gearbox arrangements
  • Removal of 3 No. line shaft arrangements
  • Removal and safe storage of surrounding concrete floor sections and steel beams to facilitate the removal of the above
  • Removal storage and re-installation of any steelwork required to facilitate the removal of the above
  • Removal of 5 No. duel fuel generators, including breaking the flanges for the diesel, gas and water feeds
  • Installation of 4 No. 800mm Non Return Valves (NRV)
  • Replacement of 4 No. 80mm gate valves for suction drain down

DWF Pumps

  • Survey, design, manufacture and install 5 No. sets of suction pipework including supports and fixings
  • Installation of 5 No. 350mm Knife gate valves - Suction side
  • Installation of 3 No. 350mm delivery NRV valves
  • Installation of 5 No. 350mm Knife gate valves - Delivery side
  • Reinstall DWF pump no 4

Below is a photo of the USS Pump Diesel Engines, gearboxes and generators

If you would like to find out more about this project, please feel free to contact us at

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